
News, Tips & Trends

Caredeluxe presents

More comfort for less pain.
The comfort walker of the “Premium Line” is an exclusive product in all respects.

Carbon Line

Anatomically padded, fine leather forearm crutches and walking sticks made of carbon fiber. Minimal weight paired with maximum comfort and captivating elegance.

Visually appealing, handcrafted and finished to a very high standard, our anatomically shaped arm shell pads are gentle on your forearm.

Carbon forearm crutch unleathered

Ultra light and elegant forearm crutches made of carbon (unleathered).

High end rollator made of carbon with leathering.
Maximum comfort with exclusive design.

Perspective health

The year is 2023, and medical progress is rapid, but the recent pandemic has shown us how imperfect our medical systems are. There are far too many open questions and unsolved problems, especially with chronic diseases. Caredeluxe develops and features new solutions and detects trends that can make people’s lives better.

Technology & Design

Innovation means creating new solutions to existing problems. More comfort in everyday life and less stigmatization can change people’s lives. Caredeluxe shows what can be achieved by using noble materials and a high quality of workmanship.

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