products & medical technology

Live more consciously (and maybe longer) with a smartwatch

An interview with Jörn Watzke, Senior Director Garmin Health Global Business Development & Sales. Mr. Watzke, living longer thanks to a smartwatch. Is that a vision of the future or already a reality? In any case, a smartwatch makes for a more conscious and healthier lifestyle. In the case of certain diseases, such as diabetes [...]

Live more consciously (and maybe longer) with a smartwatch2022-04-05T12:58:30+00:00

Electric blanket reloaded

Let's face it, electric blankets have a rather dusty image. But many people swear by them, and electric blankets are currently experiencing a revival. Heat has been proven to relieve pain, especially chronic complaints such as back pain. Even with acute inflammations, for which cold is usually recommended, there are many people who respond much [...]

Electric blanket reloaded2022-02-25T04:43:25+00:00

Will digital health apps soon replace pills?

In Germany, more and more health apps on cell phones are being reimbursed by health insurers. This is primarily based on the fact that on the one hand, these apps have been able to prove a medical benefit and, on the other hand, on a law that has been in force since the end of [...]

Will digital health apps soon replace pills?2022-02-21T15:43:22+00:00
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